Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine,

A melancholy tale, aching hearts define.

A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink,

A symphony of longing, a love on the brink.

Once bloomed a love, vibrant and bright,

But now it withers, like a fading light.

Promises whispered, like the wind's gentle sigh,

Now shattered fragments, as love waves goodbye.

The laughter we shared, now echoes of the past,

Lost in the shadows, memories won't last.

A tender touch, once a source of delight,

Now an ache in the heart, a sleepless night.

The distance between us, an insurmountable wall,

Aching souls yearning for love's sweet call.

Words left unspoken, hearts torn apart,

A tragic love story, a broken work of art.

The tears fall silently, like rain from above,

Each drop a reminder of a lost love.

In the depths of despair, we search for a way,

To mend the pieces, to brighten love's gray.

But sometimes, love's wounds refuse to heal,

Leaving behind an emptiness that time won't seal.

Aching hearts left to wander, lost and astray,

In the realm of sad love, where tears pave the way.

So let this sad love poem be a solemn vow,

To honor the pain, to grieve and allow.

For in the depths of sorrow, strength will arise,

A bittersweet beauty, as love's phoenix flies.

Though the heart may break, love still remains,

A beacon of hope through life's endless pains.

So let us carry this sadness, embrace the ache,

For even in sorrow, love's essence won't break.


 In the vast expanse of solitude's domain,

Lies a melancholic melody, a song of pain.

Loneliness, a faithful companion in the night,

Weaving a tapestry of solitude, woven tight.

In the stillness of silence, whispers reside,

Echoes of longing, where hearts often hide.

Aching souls seeking solace in the void,

Loneliness, a constant companion, never destroyed.

It walks beside us, a shadow unseen,

Filling the spaces where connection has been.

A yearning for warmth, aching to be known,

Loneliness wraps around us, claiming its throne.

In crowded rooms, it finds a way to creep,

Isolated hearts, lost in thoughts so deep.

A symphony of solitude, a solitary rhyme,

Loneliness, an uninvited guest, marking time.

But amidst the vast emptiness that it brings,

A journey unfolds, where resilience sings.

For within the depths of solitude's embrace,

We find strength, discovering our own grace.

Loneliness, a teacher in the darkest night,

Guiding us toward the dawn's forgiving light.

In solitude's chamber, we learn to be whole,

Discovering treasures within our own soul.

So, let us embrace this solitary dance,

Finding solace in stillness, giving loneliness a chance.

For it is within this solitude's decree,

That we may find true companionship, and set ourselves free.

Lonely love

 In the depths of sorrow, where love once thrived,

A melancholic tale of heartache survives.

A symphony of tears, a soliloquy of pain,

A sad love poem, etched in memories' domain.

Once bloomed a love, vibrant and true,

But now it withers, like a faded hue.

A tender embrace, now a distant dream,

Lost in the abyss of a love's shattered scheme.

The echoes of laughter, now swallowed by tears,

As the melody of love fades and disappears.

Aching hearts carry burdens too heavy to bear,

In the realm of sadness, we're left stranded, unaware.

The nights grow colder, devoid of your touch,

Loneliness engulfs, it hurts so much.

A void within, where your presence once resided,

Now filled with emptiness, love's light subsided.

The memories haunt, like shadows in the dark,

A bittersweet reminder of love's fragile spark.

Promises whispered, now echoes in the wind,

Leaving behind scars that eternally pinned.

Oh, how love's beauty can swiftly decay,

Leaving behind tears that won't fade away.

Aching souls yearning for what was lost,

In the depths of sadness, paying love's cost.

Yet, amidst the pain, hope may arise,

Like a phoenix from ashes, love never truly dies.

For within the sadness, seeds of healing reside,

A chance for love's renaissance to coincide.

So let this sad love poem be a testament,

That even in sorrow, hearts can reinvent.

May tears water the ground where new love will grow,

And in the embrace of happiness, our hearts shall glow.

Beauty of my wife

 In the realm of beauty, a radiant gem,

Resides my beloved, my cherished femme.

Her elegance transcends the stars above,

A tapestry woven with celestial love.

Her eyes, like pools of ethereal grace,

Reflecting depths where dreams find their place.

With every glance, they ignite a fire,

A gentle warmth that never tires.

Her smile, a crescent moon's gentle arc,

Illuminates the night, banishing the dark.

A symphony of joy, a melody divine,

Enchanting all hearts, intertwining mine.

Her lips, like petals of a blooming rose,

Soft and tender, where love's nectar flows.

With every word, they paint a vivid tale,

Of love and compassion that will never pale.

Her voice, a melody that dances on air,

Whispering verses of love beyond compare.

Its dulcet tones, like a soothing balm,

Evoke serenity, a tranquil calm.

Her grace, a swan gliding on waters serene,

Radiates elegance in every scene.

With poise and charm, she captivates all eyes,

A portrait of beauty, a breathtaking prize.

Her love, a shelter in life's raging storm,

A sanctuary where my heart finds its form.

Her beauty, a reflection of her soul's delight,

A gift to cherish, from morning until night.

Oh, how blessed I am to call her mine,

For she is the epitome of love's design.

Her beauty transcends mere outward view,

For it's the beauty within that makes her true.

Darkness of Pain & Love

In the darkness of the night, my heart aches

As I long for the touch of your gentle embrace

The distance between us feels like an endless space

And my soul yearns for the warmth of your loving face

The moonlight whispers your name in my ear

And I'm lost in the memories of moments so dear

When we laughed and danced without any fear

And our hearts were filled with joy and cheer

But now the stars twinkle with a melancholic glow

As I sit here, lost in the abyss of my woe

Hoping and praying for you to come back, I know

That without you, my life will be incomplete and hollow

Oh, my love, come back to me soon

Under the moonlight, let's dance to our tune

And together we'll chase away the gloom

As our hearts beat as one, in love's sweet bloom.

Forever Love

In the stillness of the night, I am consumed

By the ache of love that's lost and doomed

The darkness envelopes me like a shroud

As I mourn the passion that's no longer allowed

I long to hold you in my arms once more

To feel the warmth of your embrace, like before

But all that's left is the bitter taste

Of love that's gone, and the memories we chased

The stars above, they shine so bright

A reminder of the love we shared in the moonlight

But now that love is gone, like a shooting star

And I am left to heal my broken heart from afar

So I'll say goodbye to you, my love, tonight

And let my heart heal in the morning light

For though we're apart, the love we knew

Will live on forever, in my heart for you.

From My Heart

From My Heart

© Mrs. Creeves

A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.

True Love

True Love

Published: January 2015
When I say I love you, please believe it's true.
When I say forever, know I'll never leave you.
When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry,
Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.


I love you because I love you...

I love you because I love you...
and because I love you, I hate you!
and from hating you,
I love you more than my own life

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you.!
I hate you when you are morning sadness
but I love you when you are night happiness

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you!
I hate you when you want to be what you are not
in the cold dawns,
but I love you like you are
in the hot nights of the cheerful summer.

I love you because I love you,
and because I hate you, I love you.! !
I love you because you have
the mischievous boy's infinite happiness
lost in the rain of the afternoon,
but I hate you when the gloom floods you.

I hate you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you !
I love you because you have the sensibility
and the fondness contained in a loving tear,
but I hate you when you are a lot of hidden memories.

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you !
I love you because you are divine engineering,
but I hate you because I don't deserve you at the nightfall.

I love you because I love you,
and because I hate you, I love you! !
I love you because you are my life,
but I hate you because you are my death
and in the face of this great dilemma
I will die hating you...
to resuscitate loving you! !

Love After Love

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

by Derek Walcott

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine, A melancholy tale, aching hearts define. A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink, A sym...