Showing posts with label Lonely love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lonely love. Show all posts

Lonely love

 In the depths of sorrow, where love once thrived,

A melancholic tale of heartache survives.

A symphony of tears, a soliloquy of pain,

A sad love poem, etched in memories' domain.

Once bloomed a love, vibrant and true,

But now it withers, like a faded hue.

A tender embrace, now a distant dream,

Lost in the abyss of a love's shattered scheme.

The echoes of laughter, now swallowed by tears,

As the melody of love fades and disappears.

Aching hearts carry burdens too heavy to bear,

In the realm of sadness, we're left stranded, unaware.

The nights grow colder, devoid of your touch,

Loneliness engulfs, it hurts so much.

A void within, where your presence once resided,

Now filled with emptiness, love's light subsided.

The memories haunt, like shadows in the dark,

A bittersweet reminder of love's fragile spark.

Promises whispered, now echoes in the wind,

Leaving behind scars that eternally pinned.

Oh, how love's beauty can swiftly decay,

Leaving behind tears that won't fade away.

Aching souls yearning for what was lost,

In the depths of sadness, paying love's cost.

Yet, amidst the pain, hope may arise,

Like a phoenix from ashes, love never truly dies.

For within the sadness, seeds of healing reside,

A chance for love's renaissance to coincide.

So let this sad love poem be a testament,

That even in sorrow, hearts can reinvent.

May tears water the ground where new love will grow,

And in the embrace of happiness, our hearts shall glow.

Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine, A melancholy tale, aching hearts define. A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink, A sym...