Beauty of my wife

 In the realm of beauty, a radiant gem,

Resides my beloved, my cherished femme.

Her elegance transcends the stars above,

A tapestry woven with celestial love.

Her eyes, like pools of ethereal grace,

Reflecting depths where dreams find their place.

With every glance, they ignite a fire,

A gentle warmth that never tires.

Her smile, a crescent moon's gentle arc,

Illuminates the night, banishing the dark.

A symphony of joy, a melody divine,

Enchanting all hearts, intertwining mine.

Her lips, like petals of a blooming rose,

Soft and tender, where love's nectar flows.

With every word, they paint a vivid tale,

Of love and compassion that will never pale.

Her voice, a melody that dances on air,

Whispering verses of love beyond compare.

Its dulcet tones, like a soothing balm,

Evoke serenity, a tranquil calm.

Her grace, a swan gliding on waters serene,

Radiates elegance in every scene.

With poise and charm, she captivates all eyes,

A portrait of beauty, a breathtaking prize.

Her love, a shelter in life's raging storm,

A sanctuary where my heart finds its form.

Her beauty, a reflection of her soul's delight,

A gift to cherish, from morning until night.

Oh, how blessed I am to call her mine,

For she is the epitome of love's design.

Her beauty transcends mere outward view,

For it's the beauty within that makes her true.

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