Showing posts with label Tormenting Distance Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tormenting Distance Love. Show all posts

Tormenting Distance Love

Tormenting Distance Love

 You being away from me,
 My life is same as hell,
 All the hopes of being together,
 Have nothing but failed..
 When I remember,
 The moments we’d cherished,
 My tears start raining,
 On the verge to be perished..
 As I stand on the precipice,
 And look into the sky,
 My mind gives suggestions,
 To take a step and die..
 But when I listen to my heart,
 My decision gets turned,
 It tells me to hold on,
 And the notion of suicide gets burnt..
 So believing on my heart,
 I can wait for a while,
 Distance cant make us apart,
 All I long for is your smile..
 Distance may be much,
 That may cause me forgetting you,
 But my love for you is such,
 That I will never give up on you..
 So let us wait and watch,
 What God has planned for me and you,
 I know He’ll bring us together,
 For I’ll always be loving you…

Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine, A melancholy tale, aching hearts define. A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink, A sym...