Tormenting Distance Love

Tormenting Distance Love

 You being away from me,
 My life is same as hell,
 All the hopes of being together,
 Have nothing but failed..
 When I remember,
 The moments we’d cherished,
 My tears start raining,
 On the verge to be perished..
 As I stand on the precipice,
 And look into the sky,
 My mind gives suggestions,
 To take a step and die..
 But when I listen to my heart,
 My decision gets turned,
 It tells me to hold on,
 And the notion of suicide gets burnt..
 So believing on my heart,
 I can wait for a while,
 Distance cant make us apart,
 All I long for is your smile..
 Distance may be much,
 That may cause me forgetting you,
 But my love for you is such,
 That I will never give up on you..
 So let us wait and watch,
 What God has planned for me and you,
 I know He’ll bring us together,
 For I’ll always be loving you…

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