Secret Love

     Secret Love

In a dark mid-night
We met together
In the valley of secret love.
With a crazy madness
Fountain of feelings dropped
Brought Rhythm of life
In your  dry desert.  



Author: Nichole Hall

When I close my eyes     
To sleep at night 
It's you I see 
Holding me tight. 

Your arms so strong 
You make me feel safe 
The only thing wrong 
Someone else has your place. 

I know it is wrong 
To be dreaming of you 
But my heart just can't stop 
These feelings so true. 

The timing was wrong 
I met you too late 
A promise was made 
To determine my fate. 

Why weren't you there 
When I had the chance 
I will always regret 
Not getting this dance. 

And so for now 
I will settle for two 
But in my heart 
It will always be you. 


Author: David Ruble

A misty sunrise fills the east
With yellow, gold and red.
The bowl of space a palest blue,
Sheds light upon our bed.
The warmth beside my soul, a feast
Of love for only you.
So let the birds, with song, remain
Within the morning hours,
To pour upon the crisp, new day
A hope, like cleansing showers.
For you I send refreshing rain
To wash the past away.
A quiet breeze so warm and slow,
Has drifted ‘cross my face.
It brings the scents from flower climbs,
And leaves without a trace.
It stirred this battered heart, you know,
To love this perfect time.
Like whispers lost at sea, we soar
Beyond the sky of fire.
Together. Lost together, free
To claim our each desire.
Like leaves we float to earth, once more
To close our eyes and be.

Only In Dream

Author: Roy Orbison

A candy-colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to my room every night
Just to sprinkle star dust and to whisper
Go to sleep, everything is all right.

I close my eyes then I drift away
Into the magic night, I softly say
A silent prayer like dreamers do
Then I fall asleep to dream of you.

In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk with you
In dreams you're mine all the time
We're together in dreams, in dreams.

But just before the dawn
I awake and find you gone
I can't help it, 
I can't help it if I cry
I remember that you said goodbye.

Too bad it only seems
It only happens in my dreams
Only in dreams
In my beautiful dreams.

My Love Is Where You Are

Author: Paul D. Medway

If I could catch a million stars,
I know just what I'd do,
I'd arrange them on a paper,
And sing them back to you.  

If I could give you gifts of gold,
I'd have each one inscribed,
With a special memory,
That I hold, dear, inside.

I'd give you everything you'd want,
Or you could ever need,
But that would never measure,
All you've given me.

With honesty and compassion,
You lend a tender ear.
And when I look into your eyes,
My troubles disappear.

But, I am not a rich man,
Nor lucky enough to catch a star,
I can only give you one thing...
All that's in my heart.

My Love

Author: Catlin L. Crawford

My love, oh how I long for you
In your arms I ache to be
Without you my heart would stop
For it beats for only thee

It beats for only thee my love
You inspire it to thrive
You have given life to me my love
And made me come alive

Alive, I am for you my love
Every breath takes you in
My heart beats strong for you my love
Then it stops and beats again

It stops for only moments
To pace itself a while
For it's racing fast for you my love
In a moment it's raced a mile

I Love You, oh my dearest love
I love you more each day
Never once shall you ask to hear it
For each chance 'I love you' I'll say

I love you again and again
I love you with all my heart
I can not wait to love you more
And for my life with you to start

My love you are my only
The one I trust and treasure
My love for you runs freely
And flows without end or measure

I Love You oh my love
With all that I am I love you
I Love You oh my love
With a love that I hold true.

Missing You

Author: Leanne Mcdonlad

I'm missing you like crazy
I think I'm going mad
I simply can't stop thinking 
of the special times we had.

Each moment lasts an hour
Each hour lasts a day
The clock is ticking slowly
Just because you went away.

I need you here beside me
I just want to see your face
To feel your precious heartbeat
And be lost in your embrace.

I gaze out of the window
And look up at the moon
I play the waiting Game
And pray you'll be here soon.

They say hope springs eternal
Well I only hope it's true
For I can't bare the emptiness
That comes from missing you.

Missing You

Missing You

Author: Queenie Quisido

You are the one who I always think,
I even see your face everytime I blink.
I really don't know why am I acting like this,
All I know that it is you who I miss.

When I think about you, my eyes seemed to glow,
When I dream of you, I hoped for no tomorrow.
To be with you right now is what I've wished
'Coz it is really you whom my heart has missed.

I believe that we will be together sooner or later.
How I hope that the time and day will pass faster
So that I'll be with you and hug you tight,
And never let go of you with all my might.

'Coz I really miss you and boy that is true.


Author: Freida Martinez

Basking in the warmth of your smile 
And the music of your laugh 
I feel your tenderness 
And your oh so witty style 

I don’t know why god blessed me 
With such a friend as you 
But it makes my pleasure complete 
And very happy too 

The way you always know me 
And exactly what to do 
When my loneliness gets me down 
And I’m so very blue 
The way you see into my soul 
And looked behind my eyes 
And I don’t have to hide my feelings 
And put on a disguise 

With you I learned to trust 
And as I person I have grown 
Who could have possibly told me 
How could I have known 
That you would come in to my life 
And my beauty would start to bloom 
And like a pretty butterfly 
Come out of my cocoon 

To share your tender heart 
The warmness of your smile 
The courage of your wisdom 
For these I’d walk for miles 

To be thinking of a time 
When you’d no longer be there 
For me to gaze upon in delight 
And all our feelings share 
Is not acceptable to me 
Because in my life 
Is where I want you to be 
Always and forever.

All My Heart

Author:  Gabor Timis

I remember your smile, so radiant and warm,
illuminating my day with loving affection.
I remember your kisses, so sweet and soft,
engulfing my being with blissful elation.
I remember your touch, so gentle and delicate,
setting my on fire with burning sensation.

I seek you out, trying to catch a glimpse
of your beautiful face in the lake of dreams.
I look for your glowing angelic presence,
your caring and loving traits, your essence.

I see you now, my heart flutters, again whole,
and I know how lucky I am to have met you.
I love you, my dear, with all my heart and soul


Author: Cara G. Stanfield

You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise.
You're the last thing I think of
Each night when I close my eyes.

You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take.
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move I make.

I want to prove I love you
But that's the hardest part.
So, I'm giving all I have to give
To you... I give my heart.

Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine, A melancholy tale, aching hearts define. A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink, A sym...