From My Heart

From My Heart

© Mrs. Creeves

A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.

True Love

True Love

Published: January 2015
When I say I love you, please believe it's true.
When I say forever, know I'll never leave you.
When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry,
Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.


I love you because I love you...

I love you because I love you...
and because I love you, I hate you!
and from hating you,
I love you more than my own life

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you.!
I hate you when you are morning sadness
but I love you when you are night happiness

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you!
I hate you when you want to be what you are not
in the cold dawns,
but I love you like you are
in the hot nights of the cheerful summer.

I love you because I love you,
and because I hate you, I love you.! !
I love you because you have
the mischievous boy's infinite happiness
lost in the rain of the afternoon,
but I hate you when the gloom floods you.

I hate you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you !
I love you because you have the sensibility
and the fondness contained in a loving tear,
but I hate you when you are a lot of hidden memories.

I love you because I love you,
and because I love you, I hate you !
I love you because you are divine engineering,
but I hate you because I don't deserve you at the nightfall.

I love you because I love you,
and because I hate you, I love you! !
I love you because you are my life,
but I hate you because you are my death
and in the face of this great dilemma
I will die hating you...
to resuscitate loving you! !

Love After Love

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

by Derek Walcott

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

A Toast To Forever

© Josh Mertens   

Published: October 2013

You're the one I can't live without
This fact is true, I have no doubt
I love the way you smile at me
I love the way together we're free
You may be strange and slightly loony
But all this means nothing to me
Because you are who you are
And I can see your beauty
Inside and out
Which is what threw me

When everyday I see you
Till then I cannot wait
To know what we will go through
Are in the hands of fate
The first time that I saw you
I knew I must steal your heart
I hope that it's mine for ever
And that we never do part

You are the one I love the most
And to this here fact I propose a toast;
May we grow old and still have fun
Because I love you and my heart you've won

For Her

© Jamie Emms   

Your lips so soft and red,
the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head.
Your beauty so bright and warm,
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky,
when I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true,
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm,
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul,
baby you are my whole world.

Would It Be Ok?

© Ryan Stiltz   

Would it be ok if I took some of your time?
Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme?
Would it be ok if I opened my heart?
Would it be ok if I took on the part
Of being your man and showed you a view,
One that only a real man could do?
Would it be ok if I could make you smile?
Would it be ok if I held you awhile?
Would it be ok if I kissed your face?
Would it be ok if I were to replace
All the men in your past that just wouldn't do
And vow to be faithful and always be true?
Would it be alright to look in your eyes?
Would it be alright to never tell lies?
Would it be alright to find a way?
Would it be alright to long for the day
To pull you close and whisper in your ear
And tell you our feelings are nothing to fear?
Would it be ok if I took some of your time?
Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme?
To tell you there's nothing I'd rather do
Than spend my whole life loving only you...

I'm Sorry

By- Rebecca H.©

Sometimes I wonder what my world would be like
If I didn't have someone like you in my life.

I come back to reality only to see
That I wouldn't be myself without you and me.

I am looking forward to the future, hoping you'll be with me,
Growing old together and being happy as can be.

I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
I know all of the hell I've been putting you through.

I am so sorry, and I can't say that enough,
But I hope that's the last time it will ever be rough.

I love you completely, with all of my heart,
I will love you forever, 'til death do us part.

Broken Heart

 In the realm of love, where tears intertwine, A melancholy tale, aching hearts define. A poem of sorrow, etched with bittersweet ink, A sym...