What is love, Love can't see you but you can't see it
Love is a sneaky thing I guess sort of slick

Love can hurt and Love can heal
Love can be born and Love can kill

Love has won and Love has lost
Love can catch and Love can toss

Love can stand and Love can fall
Love is small and Love is tall

Love is right and Love is wrong
Love is weak but Love is strong

Love is up and Love is down
Love can smile and Love can frown

Love is good and Love can be bad
Love is quite and Love can brag
Love is a little and Love is a lot
Love contiues and Love stops
Love can hope and Love can dream

Love can talk and Love can sing
Love can be a word or Love can be a ring
Love can be nothing or Love can be everything

So where is this thing we call Love
I dont know the only real love we have comes from above...

Daniel Chapman

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